A Mystery of an Ancient Intaglio


In the previous post “Intaglio Search – Another one” below, one of the Intaglios is entitled “ENCHANTMENT”.  After I found the information and wrote the post, I downloaded another, better copy of the image to reproduce from https://archive.org/details/traitedespierres02mari (I usually download the .pdf file, but if better images are needed, it’s better to download the “SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP” file.)

As I looked at the engraving in more detail I noticed the “vase on a capital” above the head of the satyr to the left of the fire pit. It seems to either rest on his head or float above it.  

In the description of the intaglio by the author, Pierre Jean Mariette who wrote in 1750, it states, “…Above the head of the Satyr is seen a vase placed upon a specimen of a capital; The rest of the column is assumed to be hidden by the figure which is before; There must be no other mystery.” A quick look at the detail does not show a column. Is it just an oversight by the artist in the engraving, or is the vase and capital in fact sitting on the head of the satyr. In either case, what does it mean? Is it in fact a vase and a capital or something else? And what is that branch with leaves growing from its base? This is just one of several mysterious symbols in this intaglio.

We might also ask, “How old is the original carnelian intaglio?”; “When was it engraved?”; “By whom?”

What do you think?


One response to “A Mystery of an Ancient Intaglio”

  1. Hadrien Rambach Avatar
    Hadrien Rambach

    Hello, I didn’t find an email-address, sorry.
    I thought that this video might be of interest: https://vimeo.com/225609316
    And you might find various articles on engraved gems on: https://independent.academia.edu/HadrienRambach/Engraved-gems
    All best wishes!

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