Neat Links


Now and then when I’m researching or just surfing for intaglio related info I come across a website, youtube video, or other info that may be useful to others or to me in the future.  This is a collection of that “stuff”

Intaglios and cameos. The history and the collecting of engraved gems

The following is an interesting lecture on the topic by by Hadrien J. Rambach. It provides a broad overview of the history of collectors and collections. It is a little difficult to understand, but give it a couple of minutes and you’ll become immersed. ENJOY.

Great source of over 2000 images of engraved gems in the  Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.  Click Here.

Enter “Engraved Gems” in the search window at upper right of page or “Intaglio” or “Cameo”.  If you have a good connection select 100 images per page at the bottom of the page, it makes viewing a lot easier.  Of course if you know the artist name enter that.
Sample image Heritage Museum Engraved Gems Images
Sample image Heritage Museum Engraved Gems Images

This is a great PowerPoint show of how to make a cast of your intaglio gems


Here’s how to engrave or carve a ROCK

Is carving or engraving a regular stone like doing a gemstone????



Both Ancient and Later Examples of the Glyptic Art Are Available for the Gem Enthusiast  By Gardner Teall        House & Garden Magazine September 1922


DIFFICULT indeed would it be to conceive of a time when the love of jewelry did not play some part in personal adornment. If prehistoric man engraved figures of mammoths on selected pieces of ivory tusk, that same decorative instinct as surely had led him to conceive the beginnings of trinkets for the person. The ancientry of historic jewelry is well established. Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Rome–civilizations of these ancient states produced marvelous pieces of the jeweler’s craft, things that reached so high a state of special perfection that it is the despair of the modern craftsman to attempt to compete with their workmanship.

From earliest times engraved gems have found great favor in jewelry. The ancient signet rings which have come down to us stand testimony to this, also the Biblical references in the Book of Genesis and elsewhere,—the signet with which Darius sealed up the lion’s den (Gen. xii. 42), the signet which Judah found so discomfiting (Gen. xxxviii) and the signet with which Queen Jezebel signed the false letters about the vineyard of Naboth (Dan. vi. 17), to note a few instances of such mention. Undoubtedly these signet rings were set with engraved gems, cut intaglio. In the British Museum there is an egg-shaped piece of pink-veined marble, some 2 1/2″ long, pierced from base to apex and engraved with a Babvlonian inscription which has been deciphered to read as follows, in translation: “I, Sargon the King, King of Agade have dedicated to Samos in Sappira”. This ancient intaglio has been determined by authorities to have been cut 3900 B. C., 5721 years ago, think of it! One of the most ancient evidences of sophisticated art.

“Both Ancient and Later Examples of the Glyptic Art Are Available for the Gem Enthusiast”  By Gardner Teall        House & Garden Magazine September 1922 Vol 41-42 pp50, 104, & 106 The set of multiple issues was last accessed on 2016 12 01 at

(It’s an interesting period magazine with lots of home related ads)   

For a copy of a pdf file of just the article pages —

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TENZO Intaglio carving by Vladimir Popovich


Intaglio Gem Carving – How To

Gem carving and video footage courtesy of Chavdar Chushev
Produced by the J. Paul Getty Museum
